The San Diego List Company
Home of The San Diego Style of BusinessWho We Are
The San Diego List Company began right here in sunny Mission Valley, San Diego California – January 3rd 1997. We have helped thousands of clients over these 20+ years to meet and exceed their business goals.
Our Mission
To provide the best data possible and help you transition from “established” technologies to The San Diego Style of Business as quickly and effortlessly as possible.
What We Do
We have established strategic partnerships with data suppliers and various areas of business and automation. Our team will help you visualize what is possible inside your own business. Crucially, we can tailor a wide selection of options precisely to your needs.
What is “The San Diego Style” of Business?
The San Diego Style is about bridging the gap between gum-shoe marketing and AI and data automation. We want to make life easier for you and your business with computer technology. Simply, the problem is 2 fold. There is increased competition due to technological advances and increased empowerment of consumers. Importantly, businesses AND consumers are getting smarter and more technologically advanced every day. This means AUTOMATE or DIE. It is crucial for your business to pivot towards automation in order to survive and thrive in 2020 and beyond.
San Diego is known as a great place to visit. The San Diego List Company is known for bringing sunshine; a ray of business confidence directly to businesses and enterprises all over the country. We work hard to help you to realize that the grass IS greener on the San Diego side.
OUR MOTTO = You’re only one automation away!
We offer a FREE Targeted Marketing List to introduce you to The San Diego Style
Customized to your specific needs!
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